Anyone can cook

- Chef Gusteau, Disney’s Pixar

The concept that anyone can cook is in my opinion absolutely true because after all the act of cooking itself is all about technique and even scientific.

However, what makes a meal stellar is subjective.

Whether we focus on the aesthetics, aromas, experiences, or even emotions of a particular dish all of these components can vary day to day, hour to hour, minute by minute.

As a professional chef in NYC, I can be objective and say recipes are great for consistency and cost efficiency but again this is the technical aspect of the industry. The true satisfaction and ability to create a stellar meal comes from the head space in which we enter and approach the kitchen.

After all the best cooks whether that be a chef, our moms, dads or the very best… our grandparents all know how to give each dish the most important ingredient. A little heart.

-Chef Katie