Oreo Crusted Donuts

Oreo Crusted Donuts

Ingredients - Mise En Place


All Purpose Flour 6-7 Cups (Sifted)*

Dry Active Yeast 5.5 tsps

Salt 1 tbsp

Sugar 1 Cup

Warm Water 16 Fl oz

Oil 2 Cups

Oreo Crust

Oreo Crumbs* 3 Cups

Confectioner’s Sugar 2 Cups

Milk 1 fl oz


French Vanilla Pastry Cream Filling*


In a large bowl place the dry active yeast, about a ¼ cup of the sugar, and 16 fl. oz of warm water. After 2-3 minutes the water should appear murky with a thin layer of foam, your yeast mixture is now ready to use.* In a separate bowl mix together 5 ½  cups of  sifted flour, remainder of the sugar,  and salt. Create a well in the center and simultaneously pour in your yeast water in while mixing with your opposite hand. Once the dough comes together, slowly begin incorporating some of the remaining flour until the dough is no longer tacky, but definitely not dry. Transfer the dough to a work bench to make this process easier. Knead for 5 minutes adding flour as needed. Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and loosely cover with plastic place in the fridge overnight, or at the very least 6 hours to develop flavor. After the time has passed transfer your dough to a dusted work bench and begin rolling the dough out about 1/8 of an inch thick. Use a ring* to cut your donuts out. Place each donut on parchment paper* and lightly cover with plastic wrap, allow to rise a second time(approximately 15-30mins). While the donuts rise, begin making your icing by heating 1 fl. Oz of whole milk and whisk in your confectioners sugar, set aside. Heat the oil to 375F and fry the donuts about a minute on each side depending on how big or small you made them. Transfer to a wire rack, and cool. When they are cool enough to handle dip one face in your icing sugar followed by the Oreo crumbs. Best if Served warm.


Sifted Flour- apart from removing lumps and impurites, this aerates the flour allowing for smoother mixing and a lighter texture.

Oreo Crumbs- can be purchased in this form or you can buy the cookies and crush them with your rolling pin.

Yeast Mixture- if your yeast mixture doesn’t achieve the look described above, your yeast maybe dead. (Either expired, or the water was too hot) Start over with different yeast other wise it won’t rise.

Ring- use a cookie cutter, a cup a lid something that will give you clean cuts in your desired shape. Dip in flour for cleaner “sealed” cuts.

Parchment Paper- as you’ll notice in the video I struggled transferring the dough to the fryer, had I placed them on parchment I could have just simply placed it in the fryer paper and all and removed the paper once it in there.

French Vanilla Pastry Cream- the recipe I made hasn’t dropped at the time that this video has posted but it is certainly a great addition, even raspberry jam would be fantastic to stuff in there.


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